Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Beginnings

The beginning... of the blog, that is.

I have been living, with my significant other, in a place we consider "just out of town."  Some folks say we're out in the boonies.  We moved here in 2008, and have carved out a little space in the forests north of Fairbanks, Alaska.  Granted, it's already 2012, but I'm finally going to attempt chronicling the adventures, successes, mishaps and experiments that take place on our 200 acres.

We originally attempted a website but continued to lose interest as other matters were far more important. Matters such as cutting firewood, insulating, shoveling, and working on the "road." While the projects were sometimes exciting then, now I feel I have more time to write about our activities.  This blog isn't intended to serve as a Facebook.  You're not going to see me writing every day, or posting an hourly status.

We've been living in a 16x20 cabin (stick frame, not log), about 17 miles north of Fairbanks, on 40 acres, that we recently expanded to 200 acres by acquiring an uninhabited homestead adjacent to us.  We moved here as our permanent home in September 2008.  Access is by trail, although we call it a road.  It's 4-wheel-drive friendly... ...usually.
There's the 16x20 cabin, a 12x20 firewood shed, a 10x8 storage shed, and now, a 32x48' below-grade heated garage.  I commute most weekdays.
Water is brought in a couple times per week in 6-gallon jugs.  You want running water?  Tip the tea kettle!
Lavatory facilities are a simple marine-style composting toilet.  Outhouses are cold and inconvenient in the middle of the night.
Power is by solar panels, battery bank, and generator.

So, come along as we try branching out.  I have a lot of projects that will be slow in happening, but should be fun, none-the-less.  There could be some chickens, wood gasification (convert wood to an engine fuel), wind power, and other experiments.

Where we are (link):
Fairbanks, Alaska

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